Let me state it clearly : its a matter of several weeks. Although it does work fine (but psp), we can't make a release yet as we can't manage updates yet. It will have to go through some.public testing along with a major system update (including kodi 17). So please don't be impatient
Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Plus) - Compatible?
In my point of view it's not really necessary to store ROMs on an external USB drive.
I've included whole "share" directory (containing ROMs, BIOS files, etc.) to my backup script. So if I have to reinstall Recalbox, I simply copy back needed files from my backup storage to new Recalbox installation.
If my microSD card breaks of any reason, as the same can happen with external USB drive, I can also use this backup. (Good because I've spent days to optimize gamelists, ROMs, etc.)
Adding/removing content using network share is also quite comfortable, at least by using LAN connector instead of WiFi. Same with editing gamelist metadata directly by using an editor - here the only annoying thing is having to stop/start emulationstation in shell each time. -
@lhari84 said in Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Plus) - Compatible?:
Adding/removing content using network share is also quite comfortable, at least by using LAN connector instead of WiFi.
No it's not, especially for bigger games like PSX or Dos games
~ 30 seconds for moving an average sized PBP-image of PSX game.
~ 50 seconds for an uncompressed CD ISO.
That's not too bad... Maybe if your collection is >128 GB, but for mine I'm happy using LAN. -
@lhari84 I do too. I only use lan to put roms on my recalbox. PSX games included. That's perfect
D**n. I just ordered a Pi 3B+ from PiHut with controllers and of course - it's not yet supported... Getting only the rainbow screen with the lightning symbol, I guess that's normal?
Eagerly anticipating for an update.
@lukree said in Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Plus) - Compatible?:
D**n. I just ordered a Pi 3B+ from PiHut with controllers and of course - it's not yet supported... Getting only the rainbow screen with the lightning symbol, I guess that's normal?
Eagerly anticipating for an update.
Even my RPi 3B+ has been waiting for 2 weeks!
Let me state it clearly : its a matter of several weeks. Although it does work fine (but psp), we can't make a release yet as we can't manage updates yet. It will have to go through some.public testing along with a major system update (including kodi 17). So please don't be impatient
@substring said in Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Plus) - Compatible?:
Let me state it clearly : its a matter of several weeks. Although it does work fine (but psp), we can't make a release yet as we can't manage updates yet. It will have to go through some.public testing along with a major system update (including kodi 17). So please don't be impatient
Ok substring, thanks for the clarity! Good job then!
@substring just a question, for my curiosity if you can answer of course. What are the major improvements that you are planning for next Recalbox release? Give us a spoiler on that
@hex12 the next release (tomorrow) is only bugfixes. Then, nothing much emulation related for now, mostly technical crap. As for now i'm working on the tinkerboard, i guess it's 80% done
@substring newer emulator version are in plan? i am not telling about new platforms (systems) but new version of existing included emulators, like for PSP or Amiga or i don't know... And Thinkerboard will support same platform of Raspberry or also 3DO?
@hex12 regarding emulators update, mame2010 for sure, no idea for others. Probably rollback ppsspp as it gives many errors to people.
The roadmap is not done, this all depends on our free time.
@substring what is the update for mame2010 ?
@voljega hiscores update
Can you please refine upon "work fine (but psp)"?
What I want to ask is, if you can see a visible perfmance increase on RP3 B+, for example when emulating N64, PSX (upscaled) and DC? If yes, also without overclocking?
Still not sure if I should buy the new Pi to replace the good old RP 3 B when new Recalbox version is out.. So this info really would help for a decision.
Many thanks in advance and as always: Great job! -
@lhari84 so far only one person made some serious tests in the team and reported better performance. Still, i don't recommend you buy one as it would just sit on a shel for now if you just bought it for recalbox
@substring and as for tinker board? Can you please indicate which systems will be supported? In particular, i wished to know about Amiga, C64, 3DO and Saturn as i think that "based systems" such as SNES, Neo Geo, Megadrive, MAME etc will be supported with this new platform. I am really interested in tinker board because it seems powerful and good tests i could find for PSX and N64, but i wished a more clear look at it before deciding to buy or not, as i should buy it only for RecalBox. Thank you.
Yeah, but I'm sure you will get it running, so I could buy it to be ready in some weeks or maybe monthsBut another thing, is it maybe better to wait for and switch to Tinker Board? I've just read that you are working on a version and it made me curious...
Will there be any disadvantage in comparison with Pi version?
Does it emulate much faster than the Pi, maybe with a recent Linux Kernel? (I think the old Kernel is one of the major problems for example on Odroid, if i understood correctly) -
@lhari84 Having tried the latest beta version of retropie as well as a "homemade" patched version of recalbox (lacking network support though), i can say that emulation perf is the same with Pi 3 B+ at stock frequency compared to a pi 3 overclocked @1400 Mhz (provided you got a decent heat cooling on the Pi3). Even when pushed at 1.6Ghz, i haven't noticed any drastic improvement with the Pi3 B+ regarding emulation. DC might gain a few fps but still not running full speed. Same with N64.
All in all what used to work perfectly with the Pi 3 still do with the new B+ and what used to be so-so still is in the same ballpark :). Status quo... Only real reason to switch from 3 to 3 B+ is the improved heat management and the better network transfer speed. -
@hex12 amiga won't be on Tinkerboard