@omar-gastoldi juste edit the recalbox.cfg file and change the inputdriver to sdl2
Problems with joypad
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum.
I would like to tell you about my problem, I just installed recalbox 4.1 on a raspberry p3. All right, the problem is with the Chinese joypad that I just received, I managed to connect and configure them, everything works as long as they are on the homepage but when I enter into a game only the directional commands work. Basically I can not shoot or jump etc. I state that I used them both on a laptop with Windows 10 and on kodi 18 mounted on another raspy. I do not understand why all the commands (directional and not) on the homepage work and in games no.
Joypads are game gen s3. Thank you now -
See here: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Compatibility-(EN)
Probably you should manually modify .cfg file for gamepad, there is one file if you wanna set a global configuration for all yuor controllers, see in folder:
smb://recalbox.local/share/system/configs/retroarch/ and look for the file retroarchcustom.cfg, should get the job done
Ok, I'll do some tests tonight.
Thanks for the advice. -
@omar-gastoldi juste edit the recalbox.cfg file and change the inputdriver to
@substring sorry you could explain me better, I'm not very practical. Thank you.
@omar-gastoldi i can't say it another way lol Edit the recalbox.conf and change the inputdriver to sdl2. You can edit the recalbox.conf through the webmanager
@substring, il tuo consiglio ha funzionato!
Con putty ho modificato il file recalbox.conf e come per magia i joypad hanno cominciato a funzionare perfettamente!
Ti sono molto grato per l'aiuto che mi hai dato.
Mi piacerebbe che tu potessi vedere le facce dei miei bambini quando domenica cambiando canale sul televisore troveranno recalbox e 2 nuovi joypad senza fili.
Grazie ancora per l'aiuto che mi hai dato!
@substring, your advice worked!
With putty I modified the recalbox.conf file and as if by magic the joypads started to work perfectly!
I am very grateful for the help you gave me.
I would like you to see the faces of my children when on Sunday changing channels on the TV will find recalboxes and 2 new wireless joypads.
Thanks again for the help you gave me! -
@omar-gastoldi you're welcome