22 Feb 2018, 10:51

Opening line criticising the forum probably isn’t the best way to introduce yourself to the community, lol.....

Most of your questions could be answered by spending a couple of minutes on google as they are just general questions. However...

1 The Pi, just like a phone or tablet will "throttle back" when it reaches its built in thermal limits - it’s literally impossible to damage due to overclocking.

2 99.9% of the heatsinks sold are useless - they come with normal double sided tape to attach to the chips, which actually creates a barrier and stops heat escaping!
Unless they come with 3m thermally conductive double sided tape (3M part number 8810 I believe) then they are utterly useless - the reviews on Amazon are laughable - most people are convinced they work, probably due to the "placebo effect”, yet anyone who does actual temperature tests will confirm they don’t.

The trick is to zoom in on the pics of the heatsinks for sale- the pic s usually show a bit of the 3m tape and the 3m number on it - Google that 3m product code and if it isn't thermally conducting double sided tape, avoid!

3 No need for a fan unless you are overclocking into the 1350 range. the only emu's you would need to overclock to get a BIT of extra grunt would be the N64, PSP and Dreamcast ones, but, the max anyone will get is 1400, which is only 15% or so extra, meaning say 25fps will be increased by 15% to say 29fps ish - hardly worth it, and the extra heat generated will make the thermal cut off kick in and the Pi will start to throttle back anyway.....

4 The cheap £4.50 ish see thru case on Amazon I’ve used on 5 so far - build quality is fantastic - just bin the heatsinks he gives you due to above.....

5 Yes

6 The standard one is actually really good