14 Jan 2018, 20:05

I'm currently developing a windows desktop app to compliment recalbox. I'm including a scraper. I'm using Sselph's scraper.exe to do this. Works fine for non-mame systems. However, can't get it downloading the 'mix' or composite images - when acessing screenscraper

When I scrape mame from recalbox and Screenscrpaer i get the 'mix' images (i.e. Screen, logo, box). However, when I do this from sselph's scrpaer, all i get it snaps or titles. Command I'm using:

 scraper -rom_dir "\\RECALBOX\share\roms\mame" -mame -mame_src "ss,mamedb,gdb" -mame_img mix4,mix3,t,s,m,c

Any advice would be appreciated.