Solved Can't connect second nes30pro controller via Bluetooth
I have a ps4 controller connected via USB to do the setup. I successfully pair one nes30pro controller from 8bitdo. But when I want to do the same with the second one, it shows an error. Any help ?
@neo-1986 hi, what error do you get?
@oyyodams "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen" so it means "connection failed". I can connect both nes30pro controllers, but only one at the same time. connecting the second one (no matter which one) doesn`t work...
@neo-1986 that's weird. I have 2 nes30pro controllers and both are paired without any issue.
Let's try the the following:
- Make sure you have the latest firmware from 8bitdo installed on your controllers
- Forget all controllers assocation from Emulation Station
- Reset your controllers (see this page)
- Associate them again
Does it work ?
Did exactly 1. to 4. but still get the error message with the second controller "Verbindung mit Controller fehlgeschlagen"... = "Connection to Controller failed".
@neo-1986 Ok so let's try a manual pairing.
Please connect to Recalbox with a terminal
Then follow this page
If a pin code is asked, enter
Thank you but I managed to connect them finally. I reseted the controllers over and over again. I was really angry and then... They connected
@neo-1986 cool now have fun
Thanks for your feed back!