Just did the update - Most games disappeared
All the games are stored on a NAS; It is properly mounted and I can see all the files in /recalbox/share/roms.
Also, I checked and not a single file has been changed in the last month, so the roms folder is definitely fine.
@thomasd3 which systems are lacking roms ? from which version have you upgraded ?
I got the PI about 2-3 months ago, so it was from the version at that time.
I found the problem: I moved the init.d script S31emulationstation to a later execution so the network had time to come up.
During the update, another S31emulationstation script was created.Is there any benefit to start it at that stage vs. at a later stage when all peripherals / network resources would be available?
@thomasd3 why do you need to change this script ?
I changed it because the connection to the NAS is not done at that time. I'm not sure if Network-config needs to run before (it is at S46), but at S31 the NAS is not seen, at S90 it is.
@thomasd3 weird. Anyway network and nas mount will be improved in future versions.
I'm not sure which one of the process is responsible for enabling the mounting of the share, but it's between S36 and S90
@thomasd3 is your pi on ethernet or wifi ?
@thomasd3 we have a much better way of handling NAS since 4.1, you shouldn't have followed such an old way to have your roms stored on network
Is there a resource I can have a look at to find out what's the proper way to do this?
@thomasd3 yup : the wiki ^^ chekc in the english how-to