[EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so)
In short I don't know if I can upgrade WHLoad and if yes how ?
I'm not using the latest version for the launcher nor for the gamesYour ultimateamiga-questions (i don't have an account there):
How do you upgrade the WHDLoad package (I mean the one in 18.3 right now) from my old version ?
I find this WHDLoad topic quite complicated... especially complicated to describe. And then in English... (which I don't know so well). I have especially problems with the WHDLoad-wording
WHDLoad Package: you mean the content of /share/bios/amiga/whdl ?
I've changed this to 18.4 (beta, I was hoping to get ahead because of the "freeze"... no ;( ). But 18.4 works with all my Games - no "extra" Problems :). I know you want only use Releases: I Think: There is no reason not to switch to 18.3. Just replace 18.2 to 18.3 (you have 2 more Files in YOUR Package exitemu/uaequit ... see below: i have an question about this...)- This is the most crucial point for me : Is it guaranteed that all my games in WHDL dumped for a previous version of the package will still work ? Is it 100% retrocompatible ?
/share/bios/amiga/whdl ? 18.4. works without problems. Some Games are 7-8 years old (long time before 18.2!) - no problems.
- Finally, is it possible to upgrade a game in WHDL format from say two years ago with the corrections done today. For instance, if I want to update Hero Quest for which a new whdload thing was uploaded last friday, can I just get the archive and use it to upgrade my previous WHDL version of Hero Quest ?
You talk about the heroquest.lha @ whdload.de ? ... this is only an "Install-Package". You want to overwrite the files from the install package with the ones in your game package? Good idea/question! Because I have exactly the same problem with a game. I would like to have the current version - but I can't find it as a whdload-game-download. Only the "Install-Package" - I haven't tried it yet with overwrite.... Just try it.... and report:) I'm a little short of time
First: there is a new Version of uaequit: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=80326
Where'd you get exitemu? I don't find any information about this. You use this in your script (startup-sequence). I already swapped them for both uaequit - it didn't work (freeze...). At the moment i think: this 2 (3) files are uselessI will comment this in the freeze-thread @ Amiberry ... If I have time for it
(larger test series: I have noticed different behaviours in the different Amiberry versions - but I have to verify this first! If different versions react differently, the solution could come from Midwan/Amiberry in the next version - if he knows about it;)).(thought it out loud) -
@wulfman said in [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so):
WHDLoad Package: you mean the content of /share/bios/amiga/whdl ?
I've changed this to 18.4 (beta, I was hoping to get ahead because of the "freeze"... no ;( ). But 18.4 works with all my Games - no "extra" Problems :). I know you want only use Releases: I Think: There is no reason not to switch to 18.3. Just replace 18.2 to 18.3 (you have 2 more Files in YOUR Package exitemu/uaequit ... see below: i have an question about this...)Yeah that's exactly what I meant, I will try it in the future then
/share/bios/amiga/whdl ? 18.4. works without problems. Some Games are 7-8 years old (long time before 18.2!) - no problems.
Ok, good to know !
You talk about the heroquest.lha @ whdload.de ? ... this is only an "Install-Package". You want to overwrite the files from the install package with the ones in your game package? Good idea/question! Because I have exactly the same problem with a game. I would like to have the current version - but I can't find it as a whdload-game-download. Only the "Install-Package" - I haven't tried it yet with overwrite.... Just try it.... and report:) I'm a little short of time
What I meant is taking the new lha and copy its content over my old game folder, I maybe mistaken, but I thought that the Install-Package lha only contains slave files, am I right ?
Where'd you get exitemu? I don't find any information about this. You use this in your script (startup-sequence). I already swapped them for both uaequit - it didn't work (freeze...). At the moment i think: this 2 (3) files are useless
I will comment this in the freeze-thread @ Amiberry ...
Someone gave me the exitemu at the beginning of this project, maybe it's useless today, I'm not sure.
@voljega said in [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so):
@finomel ben c'est pas un défaut, c'est comme ça que l'émulateur se quitte pour l'instant
Pour la résolution c'est parce que tu as un jeu qui rend mal graphiquement ?
Non ça ne rends pas mal graphiquement je peux même dire que ça tourne très bien. Mais la résolution est par défaut, je suis sur une Tv UHD 55" du coup la résolution par défaut fait un peu petit mais pas trop non plus ça ne dérange pas plus que ça.
Je voulais juste changer la résolution voir ce que ça donne. Je l'ai changé dans les paramètres avancés dans configuration de l'émulateur et Amiga32 en 16/9 mais ça ne l'a pas changé. Mais bon je ne vais pas me plaindre ça marche déjà super bien et je me suis même fait une belle chaine personnalisé ^^ :))))
Juste quelques petites questions.Les sets no intro servent de reference pour recalbox la plupart du temps me semble t il.En ce qui concerne l amiga les jeux sont au format ipf (je suppose que ce sont des images de jeux originaux) mais j ai l impression que pour le moment l emu ne les reconnait pas.
Apres certains jeux whdload ont des updates mais j ai l impression qu on ne peut pas updater le jeux juste en copiant ce qu il y a a l interieur du zip/lha car ya une install a faire avec une disquette me semble t il... -
@mrseguin les ipf ne sont pas supportés par l'emulateur pour l'instant.
Pour l'update des jeux whdload je ne sais pas non plus mais ça n'a rien à voir avec l'émulation de toute façon
@voljega ok merci pour les réponses.Oui je savais que ce n est pas en rapport avec l emulation en elle même mais je me posait la question et qui sait peut être que quelqu un pourra nous aiguiller a ce sujet
ben je viens d essayer d autres isos cd32 sur une autre recalbox (derniere mise a jour) et tjs retour au menu de recalbox....Vaut mieux rester sur de l adf ou du whdload.Mais ca marche chez d autres personnes , non ? Par contre peut on changer le nom du dossier du jeu whdload décompressé comme on le désire et sans incidence sur le fonctionnement du jeu ou la sauvegarde (quand on quitte proprement le jeu en appuyant sur la touche preconise au debut du lancement du jeu whdload) ?Quelqu un a déjà essayé de renommer les jeux ?
@mrseguin pour le CD32, oui ça marche chez moi et chez d'autres, bizarre pour ton souci ...
Pour les répertoires WHDLoad oui tu peux les renommer comme tu veux, avec espace également, par contre il faut bien sûr que l'uae associé ait exactement le même nom que le répertoire
pour la sortie par la touche whdload j'ai fait une modification qui corrige un bug bloquant le weekend dernier, il vaut mieux se mettre à jour
@voljega Merci pour les réponses:)
la mise a jour je l ai déjà faite et je l ai teste avec la recalbox d un pote et comme chez moi la cd32 est plus que récalcitrante:( j ai essaye des bin cue, des isos, des cue waw bin et tjs retour au menu de jeux.C est pas dramatique mais l avantage de la cd32 c est d eviter clavier souris. -
@mrseguin bizarre.... on testera un peu plus la CD32 plus tard quand la nouvelle version d'amiberry sera sortie
@voljega ah ! et y-a-t'il une date pour la prochaine sortie d amiberry ? En attendant de pouvoir me refaire un bon Rick dangerous sur la Recalbox c est déjà le TOP !
@mrseguin non aucune date
Hi, first of all, thank you for this great enhancement, you filled the only gap in recalbox.
I've managed to get amiga4recalbox running with the help of the instructions in readme.md. Unfortunately, all the games i've tried so far (not much, to be honest) are running a bit too fast with crackling sound. I've tried several settings (cpu type, cpu speed, JIT, ...) in the uae menu but couldn't see any difference.Games i've tried: Sensible Soccer (adf and WHLD), Bobo (adf), Speedball 2 (adf), Shadow of the Beast (adf)
Systems/Kickstarts: 13 (600) and 31 (1200)
My System: RPi2, latest stable Recalbox, latest Amiga4Recalbox (pulled from GitHub yesterday)
If someone has an idea what could be the cause for this, this would be great. If you need more information, let me know.
Thanks for your help! -
@benjo2000 Did you put your games in the "Amiga 1200" system ? If yes for the ones that are too fast try to put them on the "Amiga 600" system.Some games (like twinworld for example) has some cracking sounds but when I put the game in the Amiga 600 folder its fine:)
By the way do we need absolutely to erase the .info of the whdload game unzipped ? Can't we not just rename it with the uae extension ?Will be easier to just rename all with a program like antrenammer.....
@mrseguin You can do that but I wouldn't recommand it too much.
And you can use the genUae script to generate your uae files
@voljega said in [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so):
Euh ca connait pas:( ou on le trouve ce script et comment ca marche?
@mrseguin I tried all my games with in A600 folder and Sensible Soccer WHDL with A1200. I generated the uae file with the mentioned script. This was way too fast, unplayable. With A600 kickstart, it's playable, only a bit too fast (Compared it with my original A1200 and my copies of Sensible / Shadow of the beast). I'll try the game you mentioned, when i can find it. Do you know any other game which is working fine?
And does someone give me a hint where i can find the syntax and list of possible options/values for uae settings files? Searched for it, but couldn't find it.
Thanks -
@benjo2000 check the two files in
which are good examples.I wouldn't recommend to modify them too much, your problem clearly lies somewhere else, I have tested more than thousands games and I didn't have the issues you mentioned I think, only with a few games and they were all resolved by playng them with a600 instead of a1200
I just tested my games on an dietpi+amiberry installation. everything is working fine there. Strange. I'm thankful for every idea that could help me getting amiga emulation to work on recalbox. Maybe i'll do a complete reinstallation of recalbox and your plugin around the holydays.