Thanks man! This should definitely do the trick.
For some reason, it's only showing me my recently played games.
I chose the roms folder (\recalbox\share\roms)
I tried using the action "remove region from game names" and nothing happens?
What is the easiest way to disable the regions in the file name?
I already imported the roms into Recalbox.
I read that with retropie, you can edit an .xml file and do a mass rename for each system.
What are the available methods for Recalbox?
There is an option in the Action menu to delete region tag in the game name.
And if it's not enough, you can use the built in name editor, just do a multiple selection on the game list (click the first and the last with Shift for example) et open the action menu.
Thanks man! This should definitely do the trick.
For some reason, it's only showing me my recently played games.
I chose the roms folder (\recalbox\share\roms)
I tried using the action "remove region from game names" and nothing happens?
Did you ever scrape your roms ?
No, I didn't want to clutter up my games list.
I'm using composite out so the text is plenty small enough.
If I scrape, will I be able to turn off the game descriptions and other info that's on the screen and also keep the text size for the game list the same?
Well, if you did not scrape, then ES displays the rom name, so I'm afraid you're gonna have to edit every rom name manually to remove the region tag...
My soft allows to change infos from the xml only, not the "real" rom name...