Problema con X-arcade 2players
Aqui esta el archivo.Alguna solucion??
Como puedo arreglarlo?alguna idea?
Si me puedes poner pasos detallados te lo agradeceria, o los comandos para pegarlos directamente en el putty. -
@azo There is a trick, if you know how to edit a file under linux (with WinSCP for example). In SSH type
mount, -o remount, rw /
Then edit
and replacerb_xarcade2jstick& # 0.1
by( sleep 8 ; rb_xarcade2jstick ) & # 0.1
. Reboot, and it should work (at least that's the fix that wil be in the stable 4.1) -
Reemplace rb_xarcade2jstick& # 0.1 por ( sleep 8 ; rb_xarcade2jstick ) & # 0.1
Recalbox.conf esta correcto
Puedo manejar el menu pero en los juegos no funciona.
No detecta el xarcade como controller, no consigo que funcione.
Creo que necesito explicacion para dummy XD -
No consegui hacerlo funcionar...alguna novedad o idea nueva??
@azo please speak english I don't understand spanish that good.
@Substring I have not been able to play with the x-arcade yet, recalbox detects x-arcade as keyboard not as two controllers.
I could do something wrong.
I think I need more easy and more detailed steps please.
Thank you very much for your patience and help me
My x-arcade is V1 and I connect it with the official cable to usb -
@azo ok V1 xarcade seem not to work, indeed. I'd need to dig a little more. Can you make a support archive ? Even, they are PS2 only, this would be quite dependant on the usb key you.d use to connect the xarcade. But there is an upgrade module to get native usb (56€ in France)
@substring said in Problema con X-arcade 2players:
Can you make a support archive ?
I did it before.I upload the archive at dropbox. You can find it here " "
do you need another one?
I connect the x-arcade with the official adapter to usb. I have the original usb(pc) x-adapter and the playstation 2 x-adapter too.
If doesn´t work with recalbox i will use another control-pad to play with rasp3 because i think that 56€ is expensive only for use with recalbox.
The x-arcade works fine with another emulators on my pc.
Thank you for your help -
@azo Yeah ok, foudn the problem ...
Either you wait for a recalbox update that I add your device (i can't say i'm in a hurry for this now), either you follow the wiki The devices you should test are :/dev/input/by-id/usb-Xgaming_X-Arcade-if01-event-kbd
/dev/input/by-id/usb-Xgaming_X-Arcade-event-kbd -
@substring said in Problema con X-arcade 2players:
/dev/input/by-id/usb-Xgaming_X-Arcade-event-kbdGreat!! it works!!!!
thank you so much for your help and patience -
@azo May I ask you a link to the device you used to convert your PS2 to USB ?
I use the original X-arcade´s "X-adapter System USB Adapter".I don´t find it in the x-arcade web,is old.Remember my x-arcade is v.1
I can find this picture only