What do you mean? I only see 0.74 from 2010...
Oh sorry you were speaking about DosBox, I would you were speaking about Recalbox
Maybe. I don't have first hand experience with them, this was just my impression from reading threads to the various joystick problems. And apparently those proposed, pretty obvious if you ask me, patches aren't yet in. IIRC I read in the release notes of latest recalbox that they applied some joystick button patch, and e.g. the one I linked in the other thread is 5
years old and the problem still not solved... just my impression.
So not getting if you're speaking about Recalbox or Dosbox now
But yeah Dosbox development seems to be dead or stalled
For Recalbox, as stated I don't think the team have the time right now, unless you take the time yourself to learn everything about the distribution and commit some working code in the desired format and everything