[SOFT] GameList Editor
Hello NeeeeB
Thanks a lot for sharing your software with the community.
I have a "Oops an error has occured while reaching the server" window when trying the scrap function. My roms are on my comp, in the same directory where I put Gamelist Editor. Just wanted to change the info for 1 game.
I have no proxy/vpn/...thanks.
Myjositobtw, on peut parler français aussi...
Well, what you're asking is already displayed ^^
Check under the system logo, when a filter is selected, you have an info like "xx / yy games found", wherre xx is the number of filtered games and yy the total number of games.Bin mince alors...J'ai testé sur 3 PC différents, depuis 3 endroits différents et je n'ai aucun souc, et toi tu es le deuxième à me remonter le problème...Faut que j'investigue un peu parce que je ne vois vraiment pas d'où ça vient (ton message dit que ça n'a pas pu se connecter à screenscraper).
oui c'est etrange. J'ai essayé en mode admin, compatibilité W7, etc... rien à faire.
et j'ai screenscraper ouvert en //...n'hésite pas à me dire si tu veux que je teste des trucs.
edit: bon, pour certains jeux ca semble marcher, pour d'autres ca plante tout le temps... bizarre
ah, question stp, le scrape proposé dans ton logiciel, c'est que pour l'image, ou ça peut faire pour autre chose également (description, année, éditeur, ...)
After a short talk with the ScreenScraper team, the problem was that when the server is overloaded (in the week-end), non-subscribed users are "banned".
I've added a window to enter your Screenscraper credentials (Option / Network / configure) to fix that problem.
Of course you need to be registered on the screenscraper site.
And i've added more descriptive error messages when trying to scrape and something goes wrong.I've also added to possibility to enter your proxy settings if you use one.
And I've removed all unnecessary checkboxes for edition.
I didn't release a new version, just updated the zip on Github, so download it again
https://github.com/NeeeeB/GameList_Editor/releases/tag/v0.9.6-betaPour l'instant c'est uniquement les images, j'ajouterai peut être le reste par la suite, mais c'est pas la priorité, à la base ça devait pas servir à scraper ^^
Mais en soi j'ai déjà tout ce qu'il faut donc c'est techniquement faisable. -
Pas de soucis, déjà bien utile ainsi !
Je te confirme, apres rentrer mes identifiants screenscraper, la fenetre Oops n'apparait plus.
En revanche j'en ai une autre qui apparait, disant que le jeu n'a pas été trouvé. Pourtant il y est, j'ai meme rajouté des médias
La recherche se fait sur quelle base ? nom du fichier ? nom du jeu ?Et merci pour ta dispo !
Ça scrape avec le crc et le nom de la rom, et non pas celui du jeu. Donc si ça ne trouve rien, c'est que ta rom n'a pas le nom et le crc identiques à ceux de screenscraper, et dans ce cas je ne peux pas y faire grand chose, à moins de se baser uniquement sur le nom du jeu mais ça va rendre le scrape beaucoup moins fiable.
Je verrai si je peux bidouiller un truc dans la semaine -
@neeeeb t'inquiete, c'est un peu à nous de nous adapter aussi !!!
merci pour ta réponse
bon we -
Mais de rien, j'ai fait un truc, faut bien que j'assume le service après-vente lol
Je vais voir quand même pour affiner la technique de scrape, faut que je discute un peu avec le grand gourou Screech pour avoir un peu plus de détails. -
Sympa en tt cas.
Petite demande si cela est possible: tu pourrais remettre le nom de la ROM en bas de la fenetre stp ? Je ne sais pas s'il sagit d'un mauvais réglage de ma part, mais depuis ta nouvelle release cette info a disparu.
Elle m'était bien utile, si ça ne te dérange pas de la remettre à l'occasion.je te remercie.
a+edit: en fait je crois que suite à tes rajouts, il y a eu un petit soucis de dimension de fenetre... il n'y a plus non plus l'option pour sauvegarder les changements
@neeeeb the new version doesnt have a save button on the bottom anymore...
i have entered my screenscraper credentials and i dont use any proxy but the application still says "check your internet/proxy parameters" -
D**ned...I've f**ked up the GUI due to my portable laptop, which is too small to display it entirely. I Can easily fix it but I won't be at home before tomorrow evening.
I'm pretty sure the problem is on your side, that message is specifically displayed when the connection can't be established with the API and both myjosito and I have no such message when scraping...
btw, "enable edition" should be "enable editing", but I think maybe it's better to remove that checkbox entirely.
I really don't know what to about that internet/proxy thing, I don't use any proxy or vpn and I have no problems with my internet connectivity at all, so I have no idea where to look.
Maybe I'll remove it entirely yes, I also think it is useless...
About the connexion, I also don't know where to look since it works as intended for me, and I only have this message when I volontarily break the connexion with screenscraper...( Disable my connexion or set some random parameters for the proxy...)
Btw I'm away for the Weekend so I'll see this tomorrow evening -
Fixed my mistake with the GUI, sorry for this guys...
Just updated the 0.9.6 release, please download again.
https://github.com/NeeeeB/GameList_Editor/releases/tag/v0.9.6-betaWill try to find some time in the week to investigate a bit further about the internet problem but I don't know where to look...
And I'll remove the remaining checkbox, but I don't have time for the moment. -
@neeeeb sounds great.
do you log the actions in the application somewhere? you should catch the exception somewhere and write to a log file or display the error message. -
@neeeeb thanks man. Sounds much better now
I already do this.
All exceptions are handled and error messages are displayed accordingly to the caught exception.
When you get this error message "check your internet/proxy settings", it is related to a "socket 10061 error" which is an exception generated by my component.
And this error means that it can't connect to the API due to bad internet/proxy settings or a blocked port by a FireWall...I don't know where to look because everything works as intended for me on several computers and different places.
Myjosito is able to connect to the API too, because his "error" message is "game not found", and that means the application was able to connect to the API but didn't find Medias for the selected game.EDIT: I've made a few research and it could also be that the server was overloaded and thus rejected your connection...
@neeeeb now that you say it, it could be the firewall? each time I open a new verison of your tool, my antivirus program says the exe file could be a virus or something and I chose 'open anyways'. I have to investigate further, but it says the same for Universal XML scraper and scraping was never a problem with it...
I really don't know what to say or where to look ^^
This morning I've tried it on 3 more computers without being able to reproduce your problem, except if I willingly f*** up the connection by entering some random parameters for the proxy, or by disabling entirely the internet connection.
And all my research about that "socket error 10061" with Indy Delphi component give the same result :- Bad proxy settings
- No internet
- Port blocked by a Firewall
- Server overloaded...
It's always a connection problem as you can see.
PS: Avast is also bugging me with that virus thing every time I build a new version, but it's virus free guaranteed ^^
@gmgman and what happen if you close your AV, and/or your FW only for a while. Just to test if the program can access the server ?