UXS - Problem scraping names from screenscraper.fr
Hi @screech
While working with customized mixes for UXS, I've found what appears to be a bug. Going to explain:
I'm trying to scrape two (Spain) roms:
Soleil (Spain).zip
Story of Thor, The (Spain).zipWhen they're scraped, the
it's giving me these values:<path>./Soleil (Spain).zip</path>
<path>./Story of Thor, The (Spain).zip</path>
<name>The Story of Thor: Hikari wo Tsugu Mono</name>
tag, is this field in screenscraper.fr:Nom du jeux (dans sa langue d'origine):
But those games has an alternative names in various languages, including Spanish. So I think UXS it's not getting the language preferences correctly, or doesn't scrape correctly the <name> tag.
This is my language preferences in UXS:
$RechMultiLang =es|eu|us|origine|fr|de|pt|jp|xx
And, for more info, this is my customized mix:
[MIX_IMG] $MIX_IMG_NAME = Megadrive (ESP) $MIX_IMG_EXEMPLE = exemple.png $MIX_IMG_CIBLE_X = 600 $MIX_IMG_CIBLE_Y = 400 $MIX_IMG_NBIMG = 10 $MIX_IMG1_SOURCE_1 = 'screenshotTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_screenshot|path:image||350|RIGHT|CENTER' $MIX_IMG2_SOURCE_1 = 'logoTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_es|path:image|280||312|0' $MIX_IMG3_SOURCE_1 = 'logoTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_eu|path:image|280||312|0' $MIX_IMG4_SOURCE_1 = 'logoTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_fr|path:image|280||312|0' $MIX_IMG5_SOURCE_1 = 'logoTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_%%|path:image|280||312|0' $MIX_IMG6_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_es|path:image||400|LEFT|CENTER' $MIX_IMG7_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_eu|path:image||400|LEFT|CENTER' $MIX_IMG8_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_fr|path:image||400|LEFT|CENTER' $MIX_IMG9_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_%%|path:image||400|LEFT|CENTER' $MIX_IMG10_SOURCE_1 = 'regionTEMP|FixeMax|Ico-ESP.png|path:image|75|75|RIGHT|DOWN'
Hope this info helps you, I love your tool, and just wanna make it better
First : medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_es and medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_es unfortunately doesn't exist... So it's unnecessary in your MIX Template
Second : Can you copy/Paste you Scrape Profil ? I need to see what UXS try to catch (ELEMENT8 an 9 if you haven't change too much you profil
Normally, with $RechMultiLang =es|eu|us|origine|fr|de|pt|jp|xx it take the ES name first... So it's strange :S
(wich UXS version do you use ? the very last one ?)
Ups, I will erase the _es lines....
This is my UXS preferences (I'm using the MIX profile):
[GENERAL] $verINI = '' $RechFiles =*.*|*.xml;*.txt;*.dv;*.fs;*.xor;*.drv;*.dat;*.nv;*.bin;*sav ;Mask de recherche (séparé par des ';') | Mask d'exclusion (séparé par des ';') $Verbose =1 ;Type de log ;0 = pas de log 1 = log standard 2 = full log $RechSYS =1 ;Recherche automatique de Systeme ;0 = Fenetre de demande du nom de systeme ;1 = Recherche du nom de repertoire dans la liste de systeme + fenetre de demande si pas trouvé ;Par défaut dans le cas d'un scrape de tous les systemes, le logiciel fera une recherche et s'il ne trouve pas fera les requetes sans nom de systeme $RechAPI =1|2|3 ;Ordre de recherche de l'API ;1 = CRC + System ;2 = CRC ;3 = FileName + System $RechMultiLang =es|eu|us|origine|fr|de|pt|jp|xx ;toutes modifications sur le champs ci dessus sera inutile [PROFILS_SCRAPER] $PROFILS_SCRAPER_1 = 'ScreenScraper-Recalbox v4' $PROFILS_SCRAPER_2 = 'ScreenScraper (MIX)-Recalbox v4' $PROFILS_SCRAPER_3 = 'ScreenScraper-Recalbox v3' $PROFILS_SCRAPER_4 = 'ScreenScraper-EmulationStation' $PROFILS_SCRAPER_5 = 'ScreenScraper-Hyperspin' $PROFILS_SCRAPER_6 = 'ScreenScraper-AttractMode'
[ScreenScraper (MIX)-Recalbox v4] $PATHAUTOCONF_PathRom = $PATHAUTOCONF_PathRomSub= $PATHAUTOCONF_PathNew = $PATHAUTOCONF_PathImage = $PATHAUTOCONF_PathImageSub= $ExtImage =png $PICTURE_REGION =1 $OPTION_MAJ =0 $IMAGE_SOURCE = 'Screenscraper (MIX).jpg' $IMAGE_CIBLE = 'RecalboxV4.jpg' $ELEMENT_1 = 'gameList|root|Data|root' $ELEMENT_2 = 'game|child|jeu|child' $ELEMENT_3 = 'id|attr:game|id|value' $ELEMENT_4 = 'source|attr:game|ScreenScraper|variable' $ELEMENT_5 = 'path|value|%RomPath%|variable' $ELEMENT_6 = 'emulator|value' $ELEMENT_7 = 'core|value' $ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%' $ELEMENT_9 = 'name|value|nom|value' $ELEMENT_10 = 'desc|value|synopsis/synopsis_%%|value' $ELEMENT_11 = 'image|path:image|%mix_image%|variable' $ELEMENT_12 = 'thumbnail|value' $ELEMENT_13 = 'rating|value100|note|value' $ELEMENT_14 = 'releasedate|valueDES|dates/date_%%|value' $ELEMENT_15 = 'developer|value|developpeur|value' $ELEMENT_16 = 'publisher|value|editeur|value' $ELEMENT_17 = 'genre|value|genres/genres_%%/genre_%%|value' $ELEMENT_18 = 'players|value|joueurs|value' $ELEMENT_19 = 'favorite|value' $ELEMENT_20 = 'region|value' $ELEMENT_21 = 'romtype|value' $ELEMENT_22 = 'hidden|value' $ELEMENT_23 = 'playcount|value' $ELEMENT_24 = 'lastplayed|value' $ELEMENT_25 = 'crc32|value|%crc32%|variable' $ELEMENT_26 = 'md5|value|%md5%|variable' $ELEMENT_27 = 'sha1|value|%sha1%|variable'
I'm using your recomendation of
to include the region in brackets, but it's not working as we are talking here:https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/3425/question-configuring-mix-profil-in-uxs/36
$verINI = '' !!!
Download quickly the last one ^^
Problem solved!
I'm a BIG DUMB! xD
Thinking that I had the last version...
Thank you very much @screech