Hi, guys, I've put together Picade cabinet and installed Recalbox 4.o. Works great except for the joystick itself. It works in the menus, but not in the games. I also added XBOX 360 wireless controller and that works just fine both in menus and games. But would love to have that joystick working too. Please, help?!! Thanks, R
Picade Joystick
Hi, guys, I've put together Picade cabinet and installed Recalbox 4.o. Works great except for the joystick itself. It works in the menus, but not in the games. I also added XBOX 360 wireless controller and that works just fine both in menus and games. But would love to have that joystick working too. Please, help?!! Thanks, R
Does your joystick wired on GPIO ? If yes, did you activate it in recalbox.conf?
# ------------ D3 - GPIO Controllers ------------ # ## GPIO Controllers ## enable controllers on GPIO with mk_arcarde_joystick_rpi (0,1) controllers.gpio.enabled=1 -
Many thanks! That did the trick! One more question. Sounds seems to work only via Audio Jack, no HDMI. is it the way it should be? Thanks, R.
You're welcome
For HDMI sound, try to force it by editing this section like that:
# ------------ C - Audio ------------ # ## Set the audio device (auto, hdmi, jack) audio.device=hdmi If you want to know more about recalbox configuration, take a look at this wiki page !