Some news :
This is the V1.5.0.7
What's new ?
Now UXS check if there is a new version at start and offer you to download it 
Now gamelist.xml are indented (Nicer with tabulation ^^)
Now you have a new option in UXS-Config.ini :
- $Picture_Region = 0 -> Picture preference by User Language
- $Picture_Region = 1 -> Picture preference by Rom Region
So before when you have a Game in 3 languages, you have 3 times the same Picture (the one for your language)
With this option, If there is different Language Media on Screenscraper, it try to take the one corresponding of your Rom Language.
Exemple :
The Game : Castlevania: Dracula X on Super nes
3 roms languages : JP, US, EU
3 Differents Pictures :
WARNING : This function work well only if there is Media on Screenscraper. So if it didn't found the good picture, submit yours to the database