Syncronism Lost when system.power.switch=PIN56PUSH enable
Hello Folks
I have a problem with my recalbox ... I have Recalbox 9.0.2 in a Raspberry Pi4 and VGA666 conected to my old arcade CRT.. All work fine.. but when enable system.power.switch=PIN56PUSH ... the CRT syncronims fails ...
Can anyone help me? If I can't use the GPOI pins, do you know another way to configure a key to safely shut down the rapsberry, I use IPAC2.
Thanks in advance
I have found the problem . VGA666 interface use GPIO 2 & 3 for synchronism
GPIO 02: level=0 fsel=6 alt=2 func=LCD_VSYNC
GPIO 03: level=0 fsel=6 alt=2 func=LCD_HSYNCFor the power button function and VGA666 to coexist you have to change the pin, I changed it to 16 and it works without problem.
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) def shutdown(): os.system("shutdown -h now") try: if mode == "onoff" : GPIO.wait_for_edge(16, GPIO.RISING) in case it is of any help to anyone
@STaRNiGHT my electrohome g07 goes out of sync in system menus using Pi2jamma which has the vga666 circuit too. However afaik I didn’t enable anything like that.
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00