RGB Dual and Pi5: No 480i on Recalbox 9.2?
Hi Everyone!
This might be of interest to all of you trying to get Recalbox running on a Raspberry Pi5 with a CRT attached via an RGB Dual:
I just installed the new Recalbox 9.2 on a Pi5 with an RGB Dual. At first, I was delighted to see that the RGB Dual was detected and configured automatically, and that output via SCART to a 15Khz CRT TV worked.
But then I noticed that sadly there is only support for 240p resolutions. 480i support is missing entirely: No high-resolution Emulation Station, no usable Kodi, no emulators running with more than 240p. Not even the CRT calibration tool will show any 480i modes.
Is this simply a bug with the first 9.2 release or a general limitation with Raspberry Pi 5 and RGB Dual?
Has anyone else here experienced the same problem?
@blark_92 Hi, the pi5 have no support of interlaced. Is not a bug or issue of recalbox. The raspberry pi fondation haven't implement it in pi5
@beudbeud Thank you very much for that info! Now I won't have to waste any more time on that issue. I'll just get out the good old Pi4 again, and continue enjoying retro games on my CRT. Recalbox 9.2 is a great upgrade. The Pi5, however, is not (at least for retro gaming).
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00