9 Apr 2024, 06:01

Hi, I'm new to the Forum so I'd like to take this opportunity to say hello to everyone. I don't know if I'm in the right category but I have a problem with Recalbox 9.2 Experimantal-2 on RPI5. After upgrading from Experimental-1 to Experimental-2, RPI5 often freezes, slows down, does not load and is very slow. When it gets stuck, the green LED light is off for 5-15 seconds, then it turns on again and recalbox goes on charging and doing its job. Is this a problem with the new beta update that needs to be resolved or do I need to change some settings to make it work properly? Because it is not usable like this, the roms crash very often. Because RPI5 crashes continuously. With Experimental-1 however everything was perfect. Thanks for those who help me.