GPi Case 2 - Recalbox doesn't boot, but RetroPie does
@roman_triller Hello
Do you use the good recalbox version ? there are 3 différent version for GPicase 2. -
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm using the right version, the handheld one.
What I forgot to mention: If I try to boot the device without the dock after installation, nothing happens. But when I have docked it and connected the HDMI cable to the dock, I can see the EmulationStation menu, but the controller does not work, so I can't navigate through the menu.
@roman_triller can you use the d-pad on the gpi case ?
No, when I docked the GPi Case 2, the d-pad doesn't work either. The whole situation is really weird, because the installation of Recalbox is more than simple, and it worked flawlessly months ago.
@roman_triller I'm reporting your case to devs...
Thank you very much! Hopefully they'll find out what's wrong.
Okay so, the controllers should work when the GPicase2 is docked or undocked (no matter).
After tests, all versions work correctly.
Are you really sure you are using the right version of recalbox concerning GPicase2 ? What is your Pi card (CM4, RPi 0... ?) -
Okay, that's weird. Yes, I used the Raspberry Pi Imager for flashing. I select the correct model (Raspberry Pi 4 - Models B, 400 and Compute Modules 4), the OS (Emulator and game OS - Recalbox, Recalbox - Raspberry Pi 4/400/CM4/GPi Case 2/PiBoyDMG), my micro SD card and flash it.
The GPi Case 2 is for CM4 only.
I put the micro SD card back into my PC after trying to boot my GPi Case 2.
Maybe the hardware.log will help?
[ 4.51] case/ Script info - case: , previousCase: , installedCase: , phase: 0, previousPhase: -1 [ 4.53] case/ trying GPi2 [ 4.54] case/ gpi2: compute module 4 found! [ 4.64] case/ gpi2: error reading card1-HDMI-A-1 status: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sys/class/drm/card1-HDMI-A-1/status' [ 4.64] case/ Trying PiBoy DMG [ 4.79] case/ Trying PiBoy XRS [ 4.95] case/ No case detected [ 4.95] case/ Processing case none on phase 0 [ 7.25] case/ Script info - case: , previousCase: , installedCase: , phase: 0, previousPhase: -1 [ 7.25] case/ trying GPi2 [ 7.26] case/ gpi2: compute module 4 found! [ 7.36] case/ Trying PiBoy DMG [ 7.50] case/ Trying PiBoy XRS [ 7.65] case/ No case detected [ 7.66] case/ Processing case none on phase 0 [ 78.92] case/ Script info - case: , previousCase: none, installedCase: , phase: 1, previousPhase: 0 [ 78.93] case/ Processing case none on phase 1 -
Short update: I managed to boot the GPi Case 2 and Recalbox without any problems. To be honest, I don't know what the reason was that it didn't work. I didn't really do anything different this time, except that I used the dock on the first boot. I don't know if that was really the problem. The fact is, everything works as it should, even without the dock.
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00