Solved Controllers suddenly not working with games
I’ll start by saying that I’m not tech savvy. Let me save you the time of even asking. I’m probably in over my head (obviously).
Recently, I bought a Raspberry 4 off of FB Marketplace that was primed and loaded with NES, SNES, SEGA emulators. For the last few weeks, everything has worked perfectly and it’s been easy enough to navigate and use with my SN30 Pro.
However, while I was playing Mike Tyson’s Punch Out in the NES emulator - I noticed a small notification box pop up in the upper right corner of my TV screen (which I couldn’t read from how small the text was) - and then the SN30 Pro controller became 100% unresponsive in any game software of any kind.
I’ve gone through the process of forgetting the controller pairing and then re-pairing and configuring it - numerous times. The controller works perfectly fine with the central interface but nothing else, and I am at a complete loss as to why or how to resolve it. I’ve configured wired and wireless controllers for Xbox and Switch - all to the same results…. any controller will work in the menu interface but won’t work with any games once they are launched.
As I said, I don’t know the first thing about the intricacies of programming language - so if I’m asked deeply technical questions, it’ll likely be lost on me.
Has anyone else had or encountered this issue or have a solution? I don’t want to give up on this but I’m considering selling it to someone who knows what they’re doing.
findyournexus 12 Feb 2024, 20:34
The retroarch part (when you're playing games) has lost the controller config, or has some sort of override that's being applied.
Usually taking a completely different USB controller and using that will get things working enough to start fixing things, worst case you can reset it all..
You'll need to reconfigure you controller and any other settings after the reset. (case type, network, internal/external storage overlock etc..)
Thanks for replying and taking some time to check out my issue.
I forgot to mention that I actually already did this step yesterday, as well - and controllers will still not work within any of the games.
Is this a situation where I’m going to have to manually wipe Recalbox from my RP4 and reinstall everything? I cannot figure out what this issue is - I can’t seem to find any threads out there that don’t involve manually adjusting configuration code…which is well beyond my pay grade!
I'd still suggest trying using a different usb controller/Gamepad
How is the SN30 connected to the PI? is it USB cable or Bluetooth?
Here's some stuff to try, might not do anything at all.. but it's worth a try..
If it's the wired version. Turn on your PI and boot up, unplug the controller now press the Y button while plugging back in the SN30.
then see if works... Do the same but pressing the X button.Y should set it to "switch" mode and X to "PC mode", the type of controller that it detects should change, when you do this, see if it makes any difference.
findyournexus 15 Feb 2024, 15:15
I have a wireless version but plugged into different port and did what you recommended and that seems to have solved the issue. Thank you so much!
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00