Arduino Leonardo Controller Button Issue on Recalbox with Raspberry Pi 4B
Hello Recalbox Community!
I'm in need of some assistance with a custom Arduino Leonardo game controller I've been working on. I've utilized the ArduinoGamepad library by gamelaster (found here: ArduinoGamepad Examples) to set up my controller. It's functioning perfectly when tested on the Windows gamepad settings—every button press and joystick movement is detected without any hiccups.
However, I've hit a snag with Recalbox on my Raspberry Pi 4B. While the system does recognize the controller as a Leonardo and allows me to use the joystick to navigate the Recalbox menu**, none of the buttons are being detected within the controller configuration menu.**
Has anyone experienced a similar issue, or can offer any insights into why this might be happening? Your help would be immensely appreciated to get my custom controller fully operational with Recalbox.
Thank you in advance!
- Here is my arduino code:**
/* Select: button8 Start: button9 Hotkey: button9 L: button4 (Joystick L button) R: button5 (Joystick R button) X: button0 Y: button3 A: button1 B: button2 D-U: axis 1- D-D: axis 1+ D-L: axis 0- D-R: axis 0+ */ #include <Gamepad.h> //left joystick int leftXcenter = 500; int leftYcenter = 500; double multiplierLX = 0.254; double multiplierLY = 0.254; //right joystick int rightXcenter = 500; int rightYcenter = 500; double multiplierRX = 0.254; double multiplierRY = 0.254; Gamepad gp; void setup() { //Left joystick pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(A1, INPUT); //Right joystick pinMode(A2, INPUT); pinMode(A3, INPUT); //Start, Select buttons pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); //ABXY pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); //LR pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP); //Joystick L button pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);//Joystick R button calibrate(); } void loop() { int lx, ly, rx, ry; //left joystick lx = analogRead(A0); ly = analogRead(A1); lx = floor((lx - leftXcenter) * multiplierLX); ly = floor((ly - leftYcenter) * multiplierLY); if(lx > 127) lx = 127; if(ly > 127) ly = 127; gp.setLeftXaxis(lx); gp.setLeftYaxis(ly); //right joystick rx = analogRead(A2); ry = analogRead(A3); rx = floor((rx - rightXcenter) * multiplierRX); ry = floor((ry - rightYcenter) * multiplierRY); if(rx > 127) rx = 127; if(ry > 127) ry = 127; gp.setRightXaxis(rx); gp.setRightYaxis(ry); int select, start, a, b, x, y, l, r; select = digitalRead(2); start = digitalRead(3); a = digitalRead(4); b = digitalRead(5); x = digitalRead(6); y = digitalRead(7); l = digitalRead(8); r = digitalRead(9); if(select == LOW) gp.setButtonState(8, true); else gp.setButtonState(8, false); if(start == LOW) gp.setButtonState(9, true); else gp.setButtonState(9, false); if(a == LOW) gp.setButtonState(1, true); else gp.setButtonState(1, false); if(b == LOW) gp.setButtonState(2, true); else gp.setButtonState(2, false); if(x == LOW) gp.setButtonState(0, true); else gp.setButtonState(0, false); if(y == LOW) gp.setButtonState(3, true); else gp.setButtonState(3, false); //L R button if(l == LOW) gp.setButtonState(4, false); else gp.setButtonState(4, true); if(r == LOW) gp.setButtonState(5, false); else gp.setButtonState(5, true); delay(20); } void calibrate() { int lx, ly, rx, ry; int i = 0; while(i < 8) { lx = analogRead(A0); ly = analogRead(A1); bool validLX = lx > (leftXcenter - 100) && lx < (leftXcenter + 100); bool validLY = ly > (leftYcenter - 100) && ly < (leftYcenter + 100); rx = analogRead(A2); ry = analogRead(A3); bool validRX = rx > (rightXcenter - 100) && rx < (rightXcenter + 100); bool validRY = ry > (rightYcenter - 100) && ry < (rightYcenter + 100); if(validLX && validLY && validRX && validRY) { i++; //nothing to do here! } else i = 0; delay(20); } leftXcenter = lx; leftYcenter = ly; multiplierLX = (double)127 / (double)lx; multiplierLY = (double)127 / (double)ly; rightXcenter = rx; rightYcenter = ry; multiplierRX = (double)127 / (double)rx; multiplierRY = (double)127 / (double)ry; }
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