M30 2.4Ghz doesn't detect left/right axis
The 2.4ghz USB receiver for the m30 has three different input modes. Hold the following buttons for about 5 seconds to switch mode.
Home+Up: X-input (works for Recalbox)
Home+Left: Nintendo Switch
Home+Down: D-input (Genesis mini) -
@manzurek I have the bluetooth version and I have similar issues. Trying to map the controls using the USB cable does not work; It reads Axis 1+ and Axis 0+ but not Axis 1- and Axis 0- so it can't map the whole D-Pad.
Connecting via bluetooth everything is fine
@jack-mcslay Update: apparently it doesn't like working together with another M30 even on bluetooth
Many issues are reported with 8Bitdo controllers, it appears that this com from latest firmware updates provided by 8bitdo.
Not all firmwares are supported by Recalbox, can you check yours using this table?
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00