Topic: SEGA MODEL 3 on PC setup...and the cause (I'm really going crazy !!!):
First I tried to get the Sega Model 3 roms to run on a Mini PC with an i5 4590T. This all failed even after weeks (real romset meanwhile at the start) !!!
My thought then was: Only with a new, better mini pc they will run. So i bought a mini pc with an i5 6500T.
AND: They run...until I finally found the problem now.
If I have both connected (P1 and P2), the games do not start (error message cause of missingf BIOS etc.).
If only one is connected (P1) and the other (P2) is disconnected from the USB port of the computer, the games start perfectly...even on the computer that I had previously in the system.
Then I tried using to control the games with an X-Box One controller and that works fine too.
Then I tested a TWIN-USB (SJ@JX 2 Player LED Arcade USB Encoder) encoder (both sticks and buttons connected on a single board). Same thing here too: If only one stick and buttons are connected on the board, then the roms run, if both sticks are connected, the games do not start).
What the hell is the reason for that
For a solution I would be superthankful...on gladly with instruction, if I must change a config or something similar.