Ok, I'll test on my own XU4.
Some things stopped working after version 9 update.
After upgrading to version 9 my N64 games no longer have sound with the default emulator. I can change to another one but then to video is choppy. I also can no longer run any of my PSP games. They start but run really poorly. They worked prior to the upgrade. I am on ODROID XU4.
Lastly, the “show only latest version” feature isn’t working anymore. It also was working prior to the upgrade.
Can you try to reset to factory settings ?
It's in advanced menu. -
@calculatedkaos ese mismo problema lo tenia en recalbox 8.1.1 en raspberry 3 b+, ahora en la version 9.0 con instalacion limpia n64 sigue sin audio
@davidb2111 will try this and report back
@davidb2111 I reset to factory and had no change. N64 still no audio, PSP games still unplayable, show only latest version isn’t working, I also have no main menu sound/BGM or sound from scraped videos for games. All of these worked in 8.1.1
@davidb2111 Je profite du post de kaos pour dire que j'ai quelques soucis aussi pour l'emulateur Megadrive.
A chaque fois que change d'emulateur dans le Core dans les options du jeu il ne sauvegarde plus mes changements de paramètres.Ce qui fait que lorsque j'éteins et rallume le Pi je suis obligé de recommencer la manip à chaque fois et idem lorsque je renomme un jeu.
Je suis sous Pi3 modèle B dernière version la Pulstar.
Ok, I'll test on my own XU4.
Go the same issue because mupen is started at the higher resolution (maybe 1920x1080).
It can be changed in EmulationStation per system in "Advanced Settings" -> "Resolutions" -> "Emulator specific resolutions" (the menu takes few seconds to display). Then search for Nintendo 64 and set 1280x720 maximum. At this resolution, some drop may still occur but the game remains playable.David
Bonjour @RetroJuju
Désolé, je n'ai aucune d'où peut venir le problème. Je te conseille de créer un nouveau sujet dans le forum, peut-être quelqu'un aura une solution à ce problème.
@davidb2111 Thanks for the info. I will update you and let you know that I turned my box on today and everything was working as intended. Aside from the show latest version only option. I don’t know it there was some funky cache or something that cleared out but I didn’t change anything. Sorry to raise the alarm but I do appreciate your help. Thank you again.
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00