@mattmame @Alvin
I moderated several sentences.
I'd like everyone to come back to the thread subject.
Mistakes are not the fact of french people, more than english, german, italian, spanish... ones.
@LTF_MIKE_FR wrote in french in the english part, it's a mistake there is no need to start a nuclear war.
This forum is friendly, let's keep it friendly !
Thanks to all.
8.1.1 sound stutter throughout whole system
@ArthCore : Même problème pour moi, et même technique que toi pour répondre ce son bizarre.
Avant, j'étais en 7.1.1 pour la version de recalbox, et aucun problème. Une mise à jour ou un fix résoudra surement ce problème dans une future version
This ENGLISH Thread in ENGLISH Part of Board !
EVERYONE here posts in ENGLISH (me too an I'm from Germany) so why did you come in here and post in FRENCH ?moderated by Scavy
I suggest you to calm down.
Moderated by Scavy
Don’t generalize everything. As a German people you should know that more than others.
Have a nice day ! -
In the file /recalbox/system/recalbox.conf
For 720p...
replace line (for comment line) :
##global.videomode=1280x720add line
global.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI -
And I suggest you stay out of it.At last I know how to behave on this Board.
If someone posts in German in the German Part of the Board I answer in German, and if someone posts in English in the English Part I answer in English.Im not so stupid to answer in other languages and to post on a Board in a Language that doesn't belong here.
How would you like it if I answer your comment here in German ?
It's strange that only French People do that on this Board an not People who are speaking German, English, Spain, Italian or Portuguese.
If you answer in German, I would use google traduction. The main problem in your purpose is that you accuse all French people to be stupid because one French people nerves you.
In fact you are right. Post in English / answer in English. Indeed I can’t stand what you are saying about French people. -
@mattmame @Alvin
I moderated several sentences.
I'd like everyone to come back to the thread subject.
Mistakes are not the fact of french people, more than english, german, italian, spanish... ones.
@LTF_MIKE_FR wrote in french in the english part, it's a mistake there is no need to start a nuclear war.
This forum is friendly, let's keep it friendly !
Thanks to all. - 7 days later
Hi @ArthCore
Could you check that EmulationStation runs at 720p in advanced-settings -> resolution ?
- 12 days later
I had an issue with this on a x64 pc. If I boot with this pad, no sound. Then if I boot without the pad I can hear sounds after I plug the PlayStation controller.
- 2 months later
Sorry for late reply.
Its very strange but yes, it was 720p, when I changed it to 1080p - stutters disappeared!
Thanks for advice.
But I don't understand how its related - sound and resolution.