New versions - new\same problems)))
Ok, I'm just wanted continue my locked them about duckstation on Rbpi4 via composite:
- the problem was image on a quarter of screen:

So, i find out that it depend from sdtv signal. If I've stay SDTV_mode=1 in recalbox-user-config.txt the image in duckststion is at fullscreen.
But I've always use progressive scan - SDTV_mode=16 ( cause without it my crt tv is flicked and blinked om the blue color. So i've use progressive and all fine)
And in progressive only duckstation emulator resize image on top quarter of the screen
Next question is about gamepad's rumble. - How activate?))
As I understand, for the rumble response Controller Backend parameter (at least so on PC-version). As default it stayed on SDL. It's worked, but without any vibrations.
As soon as I choose Xinput there my xbox-controller began vibrate correctly ( on stand alone duckstation at PC).
But at raspberry recalbox I've could choose only SDL, NONE and EVDEV ( when i choose EVDEV all controls is switch off - gamepad or keyboard is no respond). And there is no xinput option ( in duckstation emulator).....
Please, don't send me to duckstation or Raspberry developers ( cause they want discussed about their original products and not reacalbox ports)