3 Oct 2022, 16:04

Well, I'm just want to know about this option in recalbox crt options.

I've use pi4 with composite cable connected to crt.
And when i've turn this option on nothin happened when games start ( about select rate)

I'm running recalbox on raspberry at NTSC mode (sdtv_mode=0 parameter) 60hz\fps. But in Pal (sdtv_mode=2) - the colors are better, but games runs at 50 fps with slowdowns.

So, is it possible to start recalbox in PAL, but when games runs choose 60Hz \ 60fps??? ( another words, i'am talking about PL60)

Yea, i know about tweakvec and i used it too.
But i want to understood what this recalbox's option exactly for? ( Select game refresh rate at launch)