10 Aug 2022, 23:46


Sorry, I don't know where to find the changelog for the exact version numbers.

Right after starting Recalbox, if you press STAR, it will open the Emulationstation Main Menu, at the bottom of this window inform the version number you are using.

I'm assuming not all cores have compatibility with CRT mode and they are being disabled when CRT mode is enabled.

I believe that's right, if the emulators are automatically disabled, it's because they are not compatible.

Any other advice would be appreciated, or any insight as to why so many cores are incompatible with CRT mode.

Sorry, but I don't have that hardware and I can't test this CRT mode to get more ideas, and I'm not even a developer.

I recommend that you access our official Discord, there is a better chance of finding someone who can help you with this situation: