Controllers and MCP23017 on I2C0
Hi !
I made a diy arcade cab with a CRT screen, a raspberry PI3B+, a RGB-PI+ board and the RGB-PI OS.
Since Recalbox is now compatible with CRT I decided to upgrade my cab with the version 8.0.2.
Analog video output works great but controllers are not detected.
On the RGB-PI+ joysticks and buttons are connected to IO expanders MCP23017 at 0x20 and 0x21 addresses on I2C0 bus (GPIOs of I2C1 are used for video sync).
I replaced the mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko file of recalbox by the mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko file of RGB-PI OS and
changed the recalbox.conf file with controllers.gpio.enabled=1 and controllers.gpio.args=map=0x20,0x21 but controllers are still not detected.
Any ideas ? Thanks ! -
@robulle Please, don't SPAM: -
Zing 17 May 2022, 23:02