Upload over network
Ok,it's possible to upload roms over network,but to work (play) you need to upload bios files in a bios folder,wich is impossible to find. Is it a way to fix it?
Sorry, don't know what your Problem is.
Can you be more specific ?I can put BIOS-Files in the "bios"-Folder (which is in the "share"-Partition) through my Windows-PC using the "Network"-Option of the "Windows-Explorer"
@zing said in Upload over network:
Well, this discribes how you can ceck if you got the right BIOS but it doesn't driscribe how you can uplode BIOS-Files "over the network" into the "bios"-Folder on the "share" Partition of Recalbox.
@alvin The user mentions:
it's possible to upload roms over network
Which implies that he knows how to access Recalbox over the network, and, as I understand it, he just can't find the path to the BIOS folder:
a bios folder,wich is impossible to find
In the link I mentioned (if you read the entire tutorial) you will notice that it mentions where to find the path to each BIOS.
But if the problem is how to access Recalbox over the network, we also have tutorials:
- https://wiki.recalbox.com/en/basic-usage/file-management
- https://wiki.recalbox.com/en/tutorials/system/access/network-access-winscp
But, as you mention, the user doesn't make his problem very clear:
Sorry, don't know what your Problem is.
Can you be more specific ?I can't understand why you're questioning me if you made it clear that you didn't understand the problem exactly, you seem to have some kind of anger directed at me, but please understand that this is not the place for that, and I'm just trying to help users, just like you are.
Please let the user answer if you have any questions, don't start a fight with me, it won't help users, and the purpose of the forum is to support users with any questions related to Recalbox. Personal fights should be done on your own social network, not here, and if you try to do it here, it's against the rules, so you'll be penalized.
@silviulian Sorry for the discussion, please clarify if this is not your question, or, if the problem has been solved, tell how you solved it, just to register in case other users in the future have the same question.
@zing said in Upload over network:
Please let the user answer if you have any questions, don't start a fight with me,
Ah, here you go again !
If something doesn't go your way you always claim that others will "start a Fight" and will "insult" you.I don't wan't to "fight", "argue" or "insult" you in any way, because I know how this will end.
You play the "Moderator"-Card an banish me for some stupid reasons from this Board.But I found a simply soltuion:
I "block" you so that I didn't have to read your comments here on this Board, an so there will be no longer a repley from me to your Posts.
I suggest that you do the same with me, and we all will live happy on this Board.Oh, on thing at last:
It's possible that we didn't get an answer from silviulian at all.
Didn't you notice this by yourself:
There are People here on this Board asking Questions, you gave an Answer and than you never get a reply like:
Thanks, it works
Thanks, but it didn't.
No, the simply vanish into thin Air !Oh, you don't have to answer, because, like I told you, I've block you and your answer will not reach me.
Ah, here you go again !
If something doesn't go your way you always claim that others will "start a Fight" and will "insult" you.
I don't wan't to "fight", "argue" or "insult" you in any way, because I know how this will end.
You play the "Moderator"-Card an banish me for some stupid reasons from this Board.Your offensive behavior goes against the forum rules, and if you think the forum rules are stupid, you really deserve to be banned.
But I found a simply soltuion:
I "block" you so that I didn't have to read your comments here on this Board, an so there will be no longer a repley from me to your Posts.
I suggest that you do the same with me, and we all will live happy on this Board.Things don't work out the way you want. I'm a moderator, I can't block a user and let him say what he wants on the forum, I need to moderate whenever necessary.
It's possible that we didn't get an answer from silviulian at all.
Yes, even more so after you start a fight with me as if the topic was yours, it inhibits the most timid users.
Didn't you notice this by yourself:
There are People here on this Board asking Questions, you gave an Answer and than you never get a reply like:
Thanks, it works
Thanks, but it didn't.
No, the simply vanish into thin Air !Have you ever noticed that you are on a forum? If so, it sounds like you have no experience with this, if you did, you should know that this is normal behavior on the internet, especially when users were able to find the solution. Most users respond when they still haven't solved the problem, a small part respond when the problem has been solved, and a smaller portion still remain and try to help other users.
But, I'm not waiting for approval from users, I'm trying to help, it's up to them to approve or not my help, even if you try to get everyone to disapprove everything I say.
Oh, you don't have to answer, because, like I told you, I've block you and your answer will not reach me.
Oh sorry, things are not how you like it, as a moderator I want to make it clear to users who read this in the future that the rules need to be respected and that this kind of behavior is not what we want around here, and is subject to banishment (and most people who blocked me, unblocked me later to read my responses).
@silviulian Is it still present your problem or did you solve it?
Best regards
admin 22 Jun 2022, 00:00