4 Feb 2022, 15:20


Sorry if this has been asked before (I did a search!) but I cannot update my recalbox 8.0.1 (on raspi3b) to 8.0.2 using the build in updater.

Connecting to the box via ssh and executing /recalbox/scripts/upgrade/recalbox-upgrade.sh upgrade returns

VERIFYING: recalbox-rpi3.img.xz CHECKSUM

and then exits.

Tracing the script to it's logfile (tmp/recalbox.do.upgrade.log) I see:

------------ Will process to the recalbox upgrade from https://recalbox-releases.s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/stable ------------
Need 438168820
Needed size for upgrade : 427899kb
Will download 427899kb of files in /recalbox/share/system/upgrade where 6235232kb is available. Free disk space after operation : 5807333kb
https://recalbox-releases.s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/stable/v2/upgrade/rpi3/recalbox-rpi3.img.xz downloaded
https://recalbox-releases.s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/stable/v2/upgrade/rpi3/recalbox-rpi3.img.xz.sha1 downloaded
/recalbox/scripts/upgrade//recalbox-do-upgrade.sh: line 134:  1301 Killed                  cyclicProgression "$sizeInBytes"
Checksums differ for recalbox-rpi3.img.xz. Aborting upgrade !

Doing the download manually I see that the checksums are indeed different:

# pwd
# sha1sum recalbox-rpi3.img.xz
c08dcb6db537eb701cdb8bdf4136b2b7d7ad0d01  recalbox-rpi3.img.xz
# cat recalbox-rpi3.img.xz.sha1
a21651adb60a10c6fb5abec90b0676b8a4ca54a8  /work/output/images/recalbox/recalbox-rpi3.img.xz

Can this be fixed by the team by uploading a new file? Is this image still safe to use?

Thank you so much for this fantastic package that is recalbox 🙂 My kids and I all love it.
