Hello, before all, I don't want the ROM's of Amiga, ok?! I don't want break any forum rules. So, my doubt is: I have the No-Intro pack ROM's of Amiga Commodore - Amiga (20211028-052318), but in Recalbox, there are some folders like as amiga600, amiga1200, etc. Where I put the romset which I have of No-Intro on Recalbox folders? Glad If somebody aswer. Happy Christmas for all!!!
No-Intro AMIGA
Hello, before all, I don't want the ROM's of Amiga, ok?! I don't want break any forum rules. So, my doubt is: I have the No-Intro pack ROM's of Amiga Commodore - Amiga (20211028-052318), but in Recalbox, there are some folders like as amiga600, amiga1200, etc. Where I put the romset which I have of No-Intro on Recalbox folders? Glad If somebody aswer. Happy Christmas for all!!!
@renan-darrell said in No-Intro AMIGA:
break any forum rules. So, my doubt is: I have the No-Intro pack ROM's of Amiga Commodore - Amiga (20211028-052318), but in Recalbox, there are some folders like as amiga600, amiga1200, etc. Where I put the romset which I have of No-Intro on Recalbox folders? Glad If somebody aswer. Happy Christmas for all!!!
Hi !
In which format are your Amiga roms ?
If they are in WHDL, put them in the A1200 folder.
All the AGA games should go in the A1200 folder.
Put the old games in the A600.
Most of the games run ok on the A1200, so I would try with it first.
If they don't boot, move them in the A600 folder.
Be sure to check if you have the correct BIOS with the correct name (lowercase sensitive).
I would recommend UAE4ARM if you use a Rpi.
Have fun and merry Xmas !
@flomartin Thanks so much, friend... Hugs From Brazil!!!
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
@renan-darrell said in No-Intro AMIGA:
nd... Hugs From Brazil!!!
De nada, um prazer !
Feliz anno novo !
@renan-darrell hello
you should check for roms in whdl format, but compressed (.zip or .lha - the latest is better). Install the roms in the A1200 folder.