Slodowns in pcsx_rearmed core at Raspberry Pi 4
Hardware: Pi 4 - 4gb
Power supply: 5V 3A Power Supply
Recalbox 8
Built From: Pre made from website pi4 image
USB: logitech keyboard
Controller: saitek x-box 360 controller
VideoOut: crt-tv via composite !Hello!
I want about some slowdowns in pcsx_rearmed core, as it go as default core...Some game on it show constantly 60 fps but games go slower than original hardware...
For example - WWF Smackdown 2 (SLUS-01234) at 4 man mode ( when all 4 model appears at the screen) the game on pi4 works in 25 fps (internal) only. And it's slowly...
At PC emulators or PS3 hardware it's always has 30 fps in any time.Or colin mcrae rally 2 - internal fps counter jumps from 15 to 55 depending from scene ( when originally game work in 30 fps).
Or another 3d racing games when at the moment of turn 3d backgrounds begans to scrollThere are my default settings:
Ok, another example - tomb raiders games.
In places with huge areas and many geometric models game begins slowdowns. ( It's look like Pi's cpu not enough power)At pcsx rearmed it's show 19 internal fps in that's places....
Well, at first i supposed that maybe game is designed that and that's how it should be. But then i run it on psp. And the game works pretty smooth on the same places.
Then I've run it on PC's Duckstation, it show same 19 from 30 fps, but the game work same smooth in those places strangelySo, 19 fps on PC in not 19 fps on Pi?
I'm confused...
Why is that?I cure it for myself by increasing PSX CPU Clock in options menu from 57 ( i don't know why 57 was as default, but) to 97 mhg and now game works always fine in any places in stabile 30 internal fps....
But is not correct or wrong. This is like speedhack ))
In others psx-cores seems to be better ( faster), but there are no internal fps show option, so i can't said say for sure....
And because it's about pcsx-rearmed and this core go as default for ps1 in recalbox, i would to know why is it? -
@iga I'm not a developer, I won't be able to explain you the technical part involved in this process, but some comparisons are sometimes "unfair" even though it seems simple.
A game can perform differently:- on Original Hardware
- on an X86 architecture processor
- on an ARM architecture processor
There are 3 different scenarios, different hardware, and the performance can be different, there are several variables involved, I'm just mentioning 1.
The emulators available in Recalbox are pre-configured to perform best in most games, but it's natural that some games require some kind of special configuration. Everything indicates that you've "found" some games in this situation, and if you've already found a configuration that suits you, it's not wrong, it's what naturally happens in emulation, that's why you can configure these parameters, as there may be a need...
You can check in our documentation all the parameters available for this emulator: -
@zing So I just wont to state that smackdown 2 work wrong (25 fps instead 30 like at original ps1 hardware) at default settings with pcsx_rearmed core on Rb Pi4 as example...
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00