Slow 4k performance pi4
I’m getting slow performance on pi4 that’s hooked up to a 4k tv. I know I need to edit the config file to force it into 1080p mode but I cannot find where the line is or what I need to change it to. I tried searching the wiki (which is starting to look really good btw) but the only thing in English I could find was for odroid.
Can someone tell me what and where I need to change the setting?
@ivwshane /recalbox/system/recalbox.config
I personally have it set to 720p, as there is no point in wasting cpu power rendering these games at 1080p, and at 1080p, a lot of shaders will slow the device down, whereas they work fine at 720p
Also, as per inside that file, you must stop the N64 and Dreamcast rendering at even 720p.
These lines are there, probably preceded with a ; so they don't take effect. That semi colon must be removed, and the lines need to be: 4 HDMI
Thats near the startglobal.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI
Thats probably around line 300n64.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI
dreamcast.videomode=CEA 4 HDMIThose 2 will be around line 400 ish
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00