Since i updated to 7.2.2, i hve 2 problems with the n64. First one, only 2 emulators run the games ( Mupen64 next and Parallel64 )
But Mupen64 is extremely laggy and the sound is impossible to run smooth anymore, even on a pi4 with 4gb and overclocked at 2000...
Then i switched to Parallel64, and even with all the graphical glitch, the games run smooth...BUUUUT, i still cannot save the controller mapping to get a simple Dpad of my USB Snes controller to Map the stick. Everytime i save, it doesn't work anymore after quit.
I tried the override, the specific game config, the system config, the configuration setup on new file.... NOTHING WORKS
In the end, the initial Retroarch setup takes over and i cannot remap ( even remap doesn't work actually )
This is really annoying and frustrating because before you change the Emulator on the 7,2,2, all was fine.