So… More GB RAM really does not make any difference? At all?
For Recalbox you don't need more than 2 Gb of RAM: compatible emulators won't be able to take advantage of more than that, because the Rpi4 is very good, but at some point the processor becomes a limitation, not the RAM memory. Remembering that we are talking exclusively about Recalbox, if you are going to use your Rpi4 for anything else, you need to check what suits you.
A good fan is hardly recommanded.
By „hardly“ recommended do you mean that it’s not really recommended or that you recommend it real hard? XD
It is highly/very/extremely recommended to use a fan: the Rpi works without a fan, but some emulators can use a lot of processing power and cause a heat, and this will cause slowdowns and possible loss of the card's useful life. Also, if you want to overclock, you absolutely need a fan.
In short: it is better to use a fan, than to risk overheating your Rpi.