@zing i got stuck at boot screen at crt i cannot go to es to flash new ver
i'm bricked my rpi3b+
I wanted to config as crt, but after all it softlocked at startup(recalbox logo card) and colors are wrong, also after i wanted to recover usong rpi imager my sd is not found(i using microsd to sd adapter). Help me pls!
attempting to install sd card reader driver
@zing why i got stuck at the recalbox logo(not splash) and also any colour replaced with rainbow
@ssssq I don't know, I don't know what you did exactly, I didn't see you doing it, and you didn't describe what you did, so unfortunately I can't tell you why.
In the link above the tutorial explains how to start again after having critical level problems in Recalbox, but I don't know if you got it, I don't know if you tried it, you didn't say any of that.
If you don't give as much detail as possible, detailing exactly what you did, I won't be able to find out what you did wrong.
So at this point the only thing I can suggest is that you follow the instructions in the video above and start again. -
@zing i got stuck at boot screen at crt i cannot go to es to flash new ver
i got stuck at boot screen at crt i cannot go to es to flash new ver
Your statement only proves that you did not read what I said, and did not watch the video I indicated, watch the video (turn on the subtitles) and follow the instructions:
@zing i found the problem it is autochange
i mean that boot is on crt bu es runs on hdmi -
@ssssq If you offend anyone again I will banish you.
I edited your previous post as there is no need to offend anyone.You didn't give any relevant information, and even though you claim you discovered the problem I'm still not sure what happened, because you don't describe the information in an understandable way.
I'm going to block this topic because you said the problem is already solved, and apparently you don't want help (who doesn't give information about a problem doesn't want help), and you still try to offend people.If you are going to open another topic, be kind and describe as much information as possible.
Zing 18 Jul 2021, 12:43