Color distortion on composite
Hi. I'm running my pi4 on 240p through composite and everytihing works fine I'm getting this weird colors on checkerboard patterns or text. Ive tried different scaling and filtering setting but it wont go away unless I stretch the image horizontaly way to wide to even play. Is there any way to fix it? Thanks!!
@joey0621 Strange, are you sure this only happens via composite?
Have you tested with another cable, or with another TV?
Only happens on this ROM?
Does it happen on any other system, or does it only happen with a specific system?
Did it work without problems before, or has it never worked?
What is your version of Recalbox (say version, don't say "latest")?
Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or did you download a ready-made image from the internet, or did you buy everything ready-made? -
@zing Hi, I'm using Recalbox 7.2.2 the problem occurs only using composite either set to 240p or 480i. I don't have another crt but I tested it on my lcd it does the same thing. Every emulator I try and even some text on the Recalbox menu exhibit the same problem. Sadly I don't have another cable for testing. The problem seems to be every time there fine dithering on screen. With HDMI on my lcd looks perfect but I got it for my crt.
I don't have another cable for testing
Sorry, but that's the first thing you should try in this case, and since that seems to be the problem, I don't know how to help.