@schattenwesen Watch this video (enable subtitles), :
Your situation should be the third, which starts at 03:18.
Hello, how can I update from 7.1.1 to 7.2.1?
I use the x64 Image...
The Recalbox don't show me that there is a update avalible...
Network is ok, IP is ok, scraper is ok........
Is there only a chance to install an new Image?
I've got a large USB-Disk with Recalbox 7.1.1 and all games on this one Disk. If I install a new Image I think that I lost all games...
So what can I do?
Thank you very much for answer!!!
@schattenwesen Watch this video (enable subtitles), :
Your situation should be the third, which starts at 03:18.
Hello Zing,
thank you for the answer. But I Can't Update...
Sorry, I don't understand France - but a picture / Youtubevideo tells more than 1000 words... - I hope I understand the pictures right...
First, I have only one big Partition.
There is only one folder /system/upgrade (in the Video: update)
I put the .img and .sha1 file into this folder - nothing happen...
Only the screen "there is no update" / "no update available" (?? Sorry, I don't know the correct sentence)...
Any idea?
Thank you!!!!!
I don't understand France
The video has English subtitles, as I said:
Watch this video (enable subtitles) :
You are in the wrong partition, as it is said and shown in the video, you need to access the RECALBOX partition, watch the video again, enable the subtitles, I think that at 05:49 you can see.
Hello Zing,
I'm very very sorry, I skipped the line with the subtext!! And of course I took the wrong partition... As soon as I do it right, it works...
In the future I will read more carefully!
Thank you very much !!!
this must normally always be done automatically
@marx88 said in How Update 7.1.1 to 7.2.1 on x64?:
this must normally always be done automatically
Yes, I think you are right. In the past it works fine.
But from 7.1.1 to 7.2.1 it doesn't work...
But everything has been good too: Now I know a new way to fix the problem...
Bye, Schattenwesen