Thanks for the feedback CJ! I will finish the BG Artworks for the theme soon (as well as the adjusted System Logos) and then will release it here, but I was hoping for any of the programmers to get back to my questions regarding the translation. I even made a contrib on GitHub but got no reaction over there as well...
Oef this looks nice ! Will you make a english version aswell ?
Hi Mike! The translation is not theme based, but EmulationStation based. Therefore, the theme will be/is available in all Languages, which are available in EmulationStation (build into RecalBox). So as soon as I'm done with the backgrounds (Logos are re-done), I'll upload the theme here. @ all: Any suggestions on the backgrounds? I was going for very simple black-based BGs with something (not sure what exactly) specific for each supported system.
That is sweet !
Can't wait for the finished theme ^_^ And my vote is to keep it simple :3 Everyone likes simple...
Yeh simple is better, pure black background would be perfect Also on your screenshot upper and lower borders seem totaly black whereas center of the screen seems more grayish, it would be better if every background was the same color, black black black !
@Voljega: I've decided to make the middle area of the detailed view a bit lighter than the areas for the help system (bottom) and the logo area (top) due to readabillity reasons. I had it all pitch black first and it looked great on a 58" (16:9) display, but sucked on a 19" (5:4). Therefore I went for a greyish-blue to have a relaxing effect on the eyes
To be precise: Top and Bottom are #000000 and the Mid Section is #161618 (I need to take proper screenshots) BTW: Here's a list of included systems. If any system needs to be added, suggestions will be taken: Commodore Amiga Atari 2600 Atari 7800 Atari ST CaveStory FinalBurn Alpha FinalBurn Alpha_Libretro Famicon Disk System Sega GameGear Nintendo GameBoy Nintendo GameBoy Advance Nintendo GameBoy Color Atari Lynx M.A.M.E. Sega Master System Sega Mega Drive/Genisis Nintendo 64 Neo•Geo Nintendo Entertainment System Neo•Geo Pocket Color PC Engine Sony PlayStation Portable Sony PlayStation ScummVM Sega 32x Sega CD Sega SG-1000 Super Nintendo Entertainment System Zelda Fan Games (SNES core)
Ok ! For the systems you could add Amstrad CPC which is already integrated into recalbox 4.0.0
I've just added Amstrad CPC and the Favorites.
Good ! Lastly you could also do a second 'BIG' theme using all your assets but displaying only a bigger image of the cover and nothing else for the details part
@Voljega: Let me finish this one first and maybe afterwards I might consider doing another one
I tested the theme already on recalbox 4.0.0. and it's looking great, but the German Translation is horrible! Whoever did it, is either not a German native speaker, or just doesn't care about the translation at all. I still would like to know, how I can contribute a proper German translation to the whole thing, but even on GitHub, nobody replied on my suggestions... Don't know what else I have to do, to be heard by some Coder, or Admin of recalbox
<small>FYI (I'm part of several translation groups for different programs. Most notably for the XBOX360 Dashboard AURORA)</small>
Hey @nachtgarm ! Very nice theme
Do you know we are looking for people for a recalbox theme ? see http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/new-theme-we-need-you/
Hi @Subs. Thanks and yes, I've seen the post, but from my point of understanding, they are searching for people who will have to design vector graphics from scratch and that is the only thing I don't like to do (mostly because due to the lack of capability). Give me translations, code, Graphics for re-designs, layouts, etc and I'm in.
But thanks for pointing it out to me.
good job @Nachtgarm If you can send us a preview template for 1 or 2 system <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="hps">we can</span> <span class="hps">check that everything</span> <span class="hps">is good for</span> <span class="hps">the final</span> <span class="hps">4.0</span>;).</span> For the list of system, you can look the google docs of official template of 4.0. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19nKYNZDCcwd02uk2C4MO0mosRNcKZW48QnNTiGKUUws/edit#gid=0 For your proposition of german translation, <del>one gay of recalbox staff come to see you</del>. Rockaddited already see that with you. tank's for your contribution :).
Thanks @reivaax. I'll be (hopefully) done with the theme by the end of the week. I've already tested it in its current state on the beta version of 4.0 and it worked flawless, but I'll send the theme in asap. Just want to finish a few more tweaks. And yes. @rockaddicted already took care of my German translation. recalbox FTW! edit: I'll take all system off of the beta version of recalbox 4.0 (simplelight) and put them (and adjust them if necessary) into my theme as well.
@nachtgarm Yesterday, I pushed upstream your translation file. So this should be available in the next 4.0.0 beta
@rockaddicted Killer! Thanks a lot! I hope for feedback of the German users of recalbox. Changes can be made quickly, now that I now how
Hi @Nachtgarm, no problem if you doesn't have finish your theme. I just want a "demo" with 2 or 3 sytems ;). Juste for see the vram "consommation" and the compatibily with the pi1 (only 256mb of ram and only 128 vram alloued to emulationstation template... :/).
edit: I’ll take all system off of the beta version of recalbox 4.0 (simplelight) and put them (and adjust them if necessary) into my theme as well.
Little warning about that, if you wan a template 100% complete for the futurs versions of recalbox, you need to follow the system list of gdoc. In the beta, we use the simplelight template of recalbox 3.3 for take quickely the bugs returns of community. But for the futur releases, we have more system in stock ;). In simplelight 4.4 beta1, they have only 42 systems. But we have already planified to have 48 systems in the futur and more after ;).
The Theme is done. At least the look of it. I'm thinking of editing the system sound files as well. I've attached the startup screen, a detailed view with scraped games and a screenshot of a detailed view with unscraped games. All systems are now loading the same, simple background. So far, the theme is build on/for recalbox 3.3.0-beta 17, but I will start to port it to version 4 asap. Any comments?
Beautiful ! Will be good to test it
DONE! Check the link: <s>DOWNLOAD</s> The Theme is running on recalbox 3.3.0 beta17. Recalbox 4 has to be tested with it. No guarantee here
Comments are welcome. @rockaddicted, @Subs, @reivaax, @Voljega