Radpberry pi4 kodi black screen 7.2
@nebura45 same issues here on RPI4 no video from SMB share. Tried to find some threads about this online, tried to change the HDMI port but still the same. Didn't try to play something from USB storage.
I also have the same problem.
Raspberry pi 400. -
Temporary solution (thanks to @Pitch64 on discord ) to fix problem with black screen and cec not working:
With ssh:
mount -o remount,rw /boot
nano /boot/config.txt
search for dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d and modify with dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
Save file (Ctrl + o)
Reboot -
@cdtpepette Thanks for the solution and so fast!
Thanks a lot for the solution. Can someone explain how this change affects Kodi behavior? I ask this because I experience decreased performances when watching some h264 videos.
Thank you in advance. -
thanks for the help, but.... how can I use this script ? Noobs question, where do i enter it ? A terminal window ? and how ?Sorry for so candid question...
Thanks for the help anyway !
@RB2021 You must log on your rasp through ssh (putty.exe by example) and follow the indication written before.
You might find your rasp IP on your network, on the Recalbox UI or by other means.
Default credentials are well known by all (root / recalboxroot) but i'll advice you to change them later onYou'll need to know a lil' bit about how to modify a file with nano but i guess it can be handled even without documentation.
I'm not myself a linux master, far from it, i'll try to add some precision on how i handle theses :
Step by step
mount -o remount,rw /boot
#It allows enough permission to proceed -
nano /boot/config.txt
#It open the config.txt file with the nano tool -
search for dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d and modify with dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
#You'll have to navigate into the config.txt to find the following info and change it -
Save file (Ctrl + o)
#For myself, i do CTRL+X (to quit after change) , then Y (to say Yes to over write file), then enter to get out. -
#Just type it in, or reboot by other means
Hope it helps ya ! From the noob i am too
@Shinshiva thanx, commands with clear explanations, i love these kind of posts
You are welcome ! Pas d'quoi
My family needed Kodi (& my Nas content) to survive this era
So the @Pitch64 workaround helped a lot !
Yes it worked !
Indeed : best explainatiions ever !Merci
- 9 days later
Thanks for the solution you save my day
- 5 months later
@cdtpepette the only method that worked for me, but it doesn't give me sound
Zing 24 Oct 2021, 11:52