30 Apr 2021, 14:16


my config : rp2b with Edimax EW-7811UN Nano , external hdd , and bluethooth csl dongle

i upgraded from 7.1 to 7.2 . (eveything was ok on 7.1)

Since the upgrade , i'm stuck on the 4 phantoms screens. not able to do anything (my joystick is paired and i have leds on the bt + wifi).
If i remove the edimax wifi, RB7.2 works ok

i tried to start without the dongle, then inside rb7.2 put the dongle + wifi parameter => ok . When i reboot => stuck.

i also tried from a fresh pi3 imager install => same issue with the wifi dongle plugged.

Can you help to debug, and/or let me know what files to check ?

thank you.