Controls problems on some games...
Hi all, I'm trying to play with "cadillacs and dinosaurs" with 2 players and it doesn't work. I'm able to add credits and play with the second player gamepad only. This is a 3 player games, and it needs 3 different buttons to get each player's credit. I don't know if is here the problem... a strange fact is that I can use player's one gamepad to enter on retroarch or exit the game, but I'm not able to add credits! I'm using a pair of snes controller, may be for the hotkey issue? I've triend in FBAlibretro and MAME Any idea?
Hi, yes it's a know bug, corrected in 4.0.0. The beta is really close to be released.
just installed 4.00 on my brand new pi zero... I'm gonna check it on these days! Thanks!