31 Dec 2020, 10:02

I am running Recalbox 7.1.1-reloaded on the GPi Case and I am having issues getting the D-Pad to function as a mouse in ScummVM.

There was a similar issue raised in December 2019 and the staff (@paradadf ) mentioned this would be fixed in an upcoming release (6.1.1 I believe).

The d-pad works fine in the Recalbox UI and all other emulators.

I have tried switching between the GPi d-pad between hat and direct input mode (select+up and select+left) and also followed suggestions here: https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/19555/scummvm-controls-in-gpi-case of using an updated version of http://controllersconfig.py/

I tried the one @krnr linked to as well as the one @fleafunk linked to and I am not having any success. Has this issue been reintroduced in 7.1.1?