7 Dec 2020, 19:59

@Tormentor667 I suggest you use a m3u file to make the list of the games' disk.
Some pictures are more usefull than words, in this example it's a 3do game, wing commander III :


Create a txt file, rename it with the exact name of the game, only removing the "(disk x/x)" mention. Rename the .txt extension as .m3u. See above.


Edit the .m3u file with the exact name of each disk.

As you may noticed it, i renamed all files (except the .m3u one) with a "point ." on the front : example : .Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger (USA, Europe) (Disc 1).chd.

Why ? When i scrap, i need to scrap .chd file (monodisk) and .m3u (multidisks) files. So for Wing Commander, 5 files (4 chds + 1 m3u) files will be scrapped.

Using the "." will create an hidden file, skraper won't scrap it 😉 All my .chd files mono-disk are scrapped and all .m3u (multidisks) ones. I have 1 game - 1 scrap 😊