Solved Cavestory missing ? (x86_64) v7.01
Thanks for a great release, I am trying to install cavestory on rb 7.01, but the cavestory folder is missing in the roms directory. I have looked in both recalbox.local/recalbox/share/roms and
recalbox.local/recalbox/share_init/roms. Has it been moved ? (i do remember it there in rb 6.1x)Does this no longer apply for x86_64? and keep safe.
@gnubit it is inside Ports
@jorgemagana thanks, I looked in the ports folder and its not there, I also copied the cavestory folder to recalbox.local/recalbox/share/roms/ports and it was not seen by emulation station. Any body else has cavestory working on x32_64 with rb ver 7.0.1 ?
Pc x86_64 Moi aussi je l'ai pas, je le veut finir!! Il est pas dans les ports.
Cavestory is not available on X86_x64 -
@acris thanks for the info, any idea why it was dropped for this architecture ?
- topic:timeago_later,12 days
Bonjour @acris,
On sait pourquoi ? Nous l'avions sur la 6.1.1
problème de compilation je crois.