X-arcade Tankstick with two players in MAME
Hello all. I am fairly new to Recalbox but I'm loving it so far. The UI is beautiful and setting it up has been pretty simple. I have, however, hit a snag with some of my controller configuration. My controller is a Tankstick made by X-arcade. As I understand it, the Pi sees all of the Tankstick's buttons and joystick events as keyboard presses. The trackball is treated like a mouse. For the most part, this is working great. I configured the controllers via the recalbox interface and it went smoothly. What I've noticed, though, is that when playing simultaneous 2-player games (like 1943, for example), when player 2 hits the A button it acts as if both player2 hit the A button and player1 hit the B button. I was curious if the existing es_input.cfg file maybe had some duplicate configuration so I moved it to a backup location and I replaced it with the following: <?xml version="1.0"?> <inputList> <inputConfig type="keyboard" deviceName="Keyboard" deviceGUID="-1"> <input name="a" type="key" id="1073742050" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="b" type="key" id="1073742048" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="down" type="key" id="1073741905" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="hotkey" type="key" id="51" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="left" type="key" id="1073741904" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="pagedown" type="key" id="120" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="pageup" type="key" id="32" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="right" type="key" id="1073741903" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="select" type="key" id="49" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="start" type="key" id="50" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="up" type="key" id="1073741906" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="x" type="key" id="122" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="y" type="key" id="1073742049" value="1" code="3496620" /> </inputConfig> <inputConfig type="keyboard" deviceName="Keyboard" deviceGUID="-1"> <input name="a" type="key" id="115" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="b" type="key" id="97" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="down" type="key" id="102" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="hotkey" type="key" id="52" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="left" type="key" id="100" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="pagedown" type="key" id="91" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="pageup" type="key" id="113" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="right" type="key" id="103" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="select" type="key" id="49" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="start" type="key" id="50" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="up" type="key" id="114" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="x" type="key" id="101" value="1" code="3496620" /> <input name="y" type="key" id="119" value="1" code="3496620" /> </inputConfig> </inputList> The problem persists, though. Also, it doesn't appear that any of my hotkey combinations work in MAME. However, that's not really a big deal to me because the system also has a USB connected so I can just hit the ESC key. Other than the player2 A button activating itself and the player1 B button, I think all of my controller configurations in MAME are fine. After I sort this out I'll try and tackle NES and SNES because I may have issues there as well. But, one thing at a time. Thanks!
Hi @volumen1 The xarcade is a keyboard emulator as far as i know. And keyboards are quite erratic in recalbox. But there's a solution being tested (since yesterday tbh). All the seps are mentionned on http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/x-arcade-en-usb-non-reconnu-dans-les-jeux-mais-menu-ok/page/2/#post-20116, google translates it not so bad
(except step 2 : copy the downloaded file to your recalbox)
Oh, this is pretty interesting! Thanks for the tip. I have the xarcade2jstick starting from /etc/init.d now and when I press a button to configure a new controller it recognizes the device as an xarcade device now. So, that is good. It looks like it wants me to configure both the d-pad and the two joysticks, though and it won't let me skip the d-pad. So, I'm not quite sure how to set this up since the device doesn't actually have a d-pad. I'll mess around with it, though.
Configure the DPad and the buttons you can map + HotKey. You can skip others by holding a button for 2 seconds (there is a tip written down the screen) I'm so glad it works
Ahh.. I see that I was a little confused. I am running the configuration as gamepad 1, so I can skip the configuration of the analog joysticks and just configure the player 1 joystick as a d-pad. That's good. The new snag, though, is that it doesn't appear to recognize my two-player start button at all. Normally I configure the one-player start button as select and the two player start button as start. But, the controller configuration doesn't appear to recognize the two-player start button whatsoever.
I think the 2P start is for the 2nd player, you should find other keys for SELECT and HOTKEY As I don't own the stick myself, could you make what's written on https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Troubleshooting-controllers-(EN) and give me the pastebin link ? According to the code,you have 10 buttons per player.Some are mapped as BTN_TL and BTN_TR, they could be the 2 lonely black buttons down right the sitck I just compiled http://blog.petrockblock.com/2014/06/01/xarcade2jstick/ for recalbox, i'm quite "blind" on the subject
some more info: according to http://www.xgaming.com/service/images/Layouts/PC-MAC.htm : P1 SELECT is the side flipper button on the left P1 START is the 1P button C is BTN_TL, 5 is BTN_TR P2 SELECT is the right flipper side button P2 Start is the 2P button ] is BTN_TL, 6 is BTN_TR I'd be you, i'd mapp slect to the flipper button, andnhotkey on either BTN_TL or BTN_TR. But you can do as you wish