Hi there!,
I just made a fresh install in my rpi3 and the tab menu is not working for mame.
It used to work in previous versions, how can I access to the menu in order to remap buttons?
Many thanks for your support.
Hi there!,
I just made a fresh install in my rpi3 and the tab menu is not working for mame.
It used to work in previous versions, how can I access to the menu in order to remap buttons?
Many thanks for your support.
Hello. I use "Mame2003 plus" as default core, and using a PS2 gampad, the TAB is in L3
How do I set the default core?.
Thanks mate!.
Go to RetroArch (hotkey+B) > options :
Thanks @GDEHON I've been able to access the mame menu following your instructions.
It's much more complicated now...
Thanks for your support, I really apreciate it.
Happy for you