24 Dec 2015, 20:39

Hi, first of all, sorry for my English. I've bought the Edimax EW-7811UN because is listed in the Recalbox manual as a Compatible Wifi Dongle, and I'm unable to connect my recalbox to my wifi. In EmulationStation I've setup the network settings with my SSID and wifi password, I've obiously enabled the wifi too, but it doesn't connect. My recalbox.conf seems to be ok: ... # ------------ B - Network ------------ # ## Set system hostname system.hostname=RECALBOX ## Activate wifi (0,1) wifi.enabled=1 ## Wifi SSID (string) wifi.ssid=myssid ## Wifi KEY (string) wifi.key=mypassword ## Samba share system.samba.enabled=1 ### Virtual Gamepads system.virtual-gamepads.enabled=1 ### SSH system.ssh.enabled=1 ...   My SSID and password are lowercase, with no spaces or special characters. My router has a WEP password, and I would like to preserve it this way because the rest of the devices in my house are working with this setting. I would like to use the wifi connection for the scrapes and for Kodi. Any ideas of how can I connect? Thanks in advance.