8 Mar 2020, 19:07

Hi, for the past two weeks I've been trying to install the Dragonblaze update on my new Raspberry pi3b+. Unfortunately I can't access Recalbox once the raspberry is powered on. I have the fixed red Pwr light that stays on and no Boot.I have been using Recalbox for several years now and have never had this problem before.

I have always done the same procedure to install Recalbox:

-> Format my 64GB Sd Card with guiformat
-> Install the .img with Etcher portable version

Nothing works, the Raspberry always stays in fixed red light mode... as if the Sd Card wasn't recognized...

I've tried using other formatting software in Fat32.
I checked with AOMEI Partition Assistant if there was not a partition problem after installation.
I bought a new Sd card to see if mine had a problem.
I tried different cables and USB charger to see if there was a voltage problem.
Could it be the raspberry itself. Defect or something else? ( It has never had a problem before for the old ones )

Can the Dragonblaze update cause problems with cards over 32GB or the raspberry Pi3b+ model?

I don't know what to do, so if someone has had this kind of problem before or thinks they can find a solution.

Thank you in advance