4 Bluetooth Controllers at the same Time?
does anybody have 4 Controllers on his Raspberry pi connectet with Bluetooth? First i tried with the internal Bluetooth Chip. This worked quite well, but the controllers had an massiv input lag. I tried two several Bluetooth Dongles and all i can pair were 3 Controllers maximum. Does anybody of you guys paired 4 Controllers at the same time? I have a raspberry pi 3 with the latest Recalbox on it.
Thank you guys. And sorry for my bad English ;-D
try thisPour les problèmes suivants merci d'effectuer ses vérifications :
- plus de 2 manettes 8bitdo utilisés et autres
- problème en jeu
- assurez vous d'avoir le dernier firmware disponible : https://support.8bitdo.com/
- utiliser le mode android uniquement.
- Supprimer les manettes dans le menu Emulationstation > options manettes > oublier les manettes.
- Editer
avec winscp et notepad++ ou le partage réseau NE PAS UTILISER LE MANAGER !- active l'option ERTM=0 ->1
#Enable ERTM controllers.bluetooth.ertm=1
- active l'option ERTM=0 ->1
- Rebooter recalbox
- Démarrer le mode android, réaliser de nouveau l'appareillage.
- Tester
somehow i cant connect any of my Bluetooth controllers after changing that. I don't have controllers from 8bitdo. The Controllers are PS3 Controllers (Shanwan) i forget to say that in my thread.